Tips to Prevent Spring Allergies


In a previous article, we talked about spring allergies. In terms of its causes, symptoms, and methods of treatment, whether medical or home, however, many people are interested in knowing ways to prevent it to avoid suffering from its symptoms.

the best way to prevent from spring allergies

Here are the most important and prominent steps that help in the Prevention of spring allergies as follows:

Prevention of Spring Allergies

Some precautions can be taken to help prevent spring allergies, including the following:

1. Avoid going out of the house during the pollen-spreading season

It is preferable to stay at home between 5 and 10 in the morning, as the pollen count reaches its peak in the morning.

You should also avoid going out on windy days as pollen is flying in the air, in addition to making sure to keep windows closed and reduce the number of times doors are opened.

2. Wearing a face mask

It is preferable to avoid working in the yard and gardening in the morning, but when forced, you should wear a mask to filter out some pollen and mold that fly when mowing the lawn or removing weeds from the garden.

It is also good to wear it when going out and during the high season for pollen counts.

3. Closing car windows while driving

Closing the car windows will prevent most of the pollen, dust, and mold from getting inside because, during the high season, the breeze is full of allergens.

The air conditioner can be turned on to maintain the appropriate temperatures with its openings directed away from the face to avoid irritation of the nasal passages and exacerbation of allergies.

4. Take a shower before bedtime

The body and hair can collect amazing amounts of pollen at any time when outside, so it is advisable to make sure that any clothes that have been worn are washed as soon as possible.

5. Conduct a thorough cleaning of the house before spring

Allergens, such as mold and dust accumulate on shelves, around windows, and in heating vents, so the House must be thoroughly cleaned before spring to reduce indoor allergens.

6. Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner regularly

Vacuum cleaners often perform the task of suctioning pollen and other allergens, such as animal dander to the fullest.

It is also preferable to use a broom equipped with a high-efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) to remove airborne particles while closing the windows and using an air conditioner if necessary.

7. Keep pets away from bed and furniture

Pollen can cling to the fur of dogs and cats, thereby transferring it to bedding and furniture.

So when there is a pet coming out of the house there is a need to vacuum the floor more than twice a week, with the animal being washed more frequently than usual.

8. Drying laundry inside the House

It is necessary to avoid drying clothes outside as pollen can easily get stuck in the fibers and may cause allergy symptoms when dressing later.

9. Other spring allergy prevention steps

Which may include the following:

  • Make the lawn grass short.
  • Avoid cutting dead and rotting tree trunks.
  • The use of hypoallergenic filters in air conditioning units.
  • Wash bed linen once a week.
  • Take off your shoes before entering the House.
  • Wear hats and sunglasses when going out to limit the ingress of pollen into the eyes and its sticking into the hair.
  • Clean the floors with a vacuum cleaner at least once a week.

Spring Allergens

The most important spring allergen is pollen, which is released from trees, grasses, and weeds into the air to fertilize other plants, and it can be transported for miles, so it's not just about the plants of the region.

When pollen gets into the nose of a person who is allergic to it, the immune system begins to attack it, causing the release of histamine into the blood that leads to a runny nose, itchy eyes, and nose, sneezing, coughing.

Diagnosis of Spring Allergies

An allergist may do a skin test so that he pricks the surface of the skin with a small amount of allergen, or he may inject a small sample of diluted allergen under the skin of the arm or back, and if a small red bump appears, this indicates the presence of allergies, and a blood test can also be done.

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