Body Toxic Symptoms

The symptoms and signs that may indicate that your body is infected with toxins are different and varied, so what are the most prominent of these symptoms?

Symptoms of intoxication of the body
The accumulation of toxins in the human body often leads to severe infections in the eyes, skin, stomach, and possibly tumors, asthma, diseases that affect the nervous system, biological mutations, and infertility. Therefore, we must beware of the rapidly spreading environmental and food pollutants.

Here are the top nine symptoms of body poisoning:

1. Constipation

The colon or large intestine is responsible for processing and eliminating toxins through the daily process of the intestine, but when the colon is damaged, it is not able to eliminate all the dirt from the digestive system properly, which leads to the accumulation of toxins along the colon wall, Constipation, and flatulence.

Therefore, you should drink enough water, eat foods rich in fiber, and exercise daily as this may help you treat constipation, which is one of the symptoms of toxicity.

2. Mouth Odor

If your breath is constantly bad and brushing doesn't help, the cause may not lie in your teeth but in your digestive system which is overrun with toxins.
The digestive system is an environment for good and bad bacteria. When you eat foods consisting of carbohydrate compounds, they break down into sugars that help grow harmful bacteria, stimulate the accumulation of toxins in the system, and provoke the foul odor that comes out of your mouth.

Bad breath may also indicate problems with the kidneys, which are responsible for removing toxic chemicals from the blood through urine.

3. Muscle Pain And Cramps

You can develop muscle pain and cramps without actual injury due to excess toxins in the body.

Constant exposure to toxins from food products, household cleaning products, cosmetics, and the environment activates your immune system and stress response, this strains the defense mechanism of your body and gradually weakens it, affecting the functions of your body's organs, especially muscles.

Stressed muscles constrict the capillaries, and impede the smooth flow of blood and oxygen, thereby causing more stress and physical pain, you can relieve muscle pain with a massage using natural oils.

4. Weight Gain

Exposure to harmful chemicals and toxins caused by eating unhealthy foods, and lack of exercise leads to damage to the body's standard weight control mechanisms and obesity.

Toxins may reduce the levels of hormones in your body, especially the thyroid gland, estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, and insulin.

The thyroid gland controls metabolism by secreting fat-burning hormones, so when toxins slow down the secretion of this hormone, then this may cause obesity.

The pancreas produces the hormone insulin, which regulates blood sugar, but when you eat unhealthy foods, your sugar level rises, which in turn turns into fat over time.

5. Constant Fatigue

If you feel constantly tired, the reason may lie in the accumulation of toxins in your digestive system that impedes digestion and obtaining nutrients necessary for the production of body energy.

6. Skin Problems

The skin plays an important role in removing secondary toxins in the body, and when there are many toxins in the intestines and the liver is not able to purify the blood rich in poison, the skin then tries to control those toxins by rash or excessive sweating.

Skin problems also occur as a result of toxins caused by some skincare and makeup products, when absorbed by the skin, they clog the pores of the skin and cause acne, inflammation, eczema, wrinkles, and dark circles.

7. Mood Swings

If you feel depressed, this may be due to the accumulation of food and environmental toxins in your body, and toxins derived from processed or genetically modified foods affect your mood significantly, some industrial substances, such as aspartame excrete toxins in the body and lead to severe depression.

8. Insomnia

The central nervous system can absorb some toxic compounds that pass to the brain and cause insomnia.

9. Excessive Sweating

When toxins accumulate in your body, your digestive system is unable to work efficiently, which leads to the flow of blood loaded with poison from the digestive tract to the liver, which works to purify it from toxins.

When the liver is stressed while doing its job, some symptoms may appear, including high body temperature and sweating, sweating is one of the good ways to rid your body of toxins.

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